It's Skin Wedding dress white cream

  • It's Skin
  • Brands  It's Skin
  • Availability:  In Stock
  • Weight: 130 g
  • Sold out: 147 in
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$7.00  $10.16

Perfectly lightening the skin for a few tones cream with a delicate texture acts immediately after application. Secret Cream gives the skin extra shine, gives it moisture and keeps for a long time. Valuable extracts from white flowers, which are part of the cream, help to get rid of pigmentation, prolonged moisturizing and protecting the skin from the negative influence of the environment.

Extracts of white flowers of lily, lotus, orchid and others make the skin soft, bleach, eliminate unwanted pigmentation, redness, make the skin tone even and healthy, protect from the harmful effects of the sun. In addition, they perfectly moisturize, soothe, heal, give skin cells strength, have a tonic effect and activate the renewal processes in the epidermis.

Extracts of aloe and cucumber will additionally nourish the skin with moisture, soothe it, prevent the appearance of irritations.

Solution Wedding Dress is also rich in minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

With regular use, you can forget about the pigmentation spots on the skin, give the person a strong sense of protection.


The extract of the western rose - saturates the cells with moisture, removes inflammation, heals wounds, strengthens, perfectly tones up and triggers regeneration processes.

Extract of white lily - gives the skin softness, lightens pigmentation and freckles, eliminates redness, smooths out the tone and protects against ultraviolet light.

Jasmine extract - perfectly tones, smoothes wrinkles, antiseptic effect, returns elasticity, heals acne.

Argan oil - improves metabolic processes, normalizes blood supply, provides antioxidant action.

How to use:

It is applied to the skin of any parts of the body, evenly distributed. Rub with massage movements until the cream is absorbed. Use the cream is also possible as a base for make-up.

Volume: 100ml

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