Royal Skin Hyaluronic Acid Micro Patch 4ea in 1 pack - Гиалуроновые патчи с микроиглами

  • Verfügbarkeit  nicht vorrättig
  • Weight: 100 g
  • Verkauft: 51

    21,46 €  43,89 €

Wrinkles in the area of ​​the mouth and eyes arise due to the peculiarities of the structure of the skin in these zones, as a consequence of the natural facial expressions of a person. Hydrogel patches, with hyaluronic acid, are specifically designed for these gentle areas. On the surface of the patch are soluble under the influence of temperature telikroikly from hyaluronic acid. Due to this, the patches act as a mesoroller, penetrating to a depth of 0.2 mm. Hyaluronic acid, which thanks to microneedles penetrates deeply into the epidermis, quickly and effectively reduces wrinkles, and also improves the elasticity of the skin. Patches are stuck overnight, on clean skin. After gently pressing on their center, there may be a slight burning sensation. In the morning patches are removed, do not forget that on the skin in the eye area they can be applied at a distance, not less than 3 mm from the eyelids.


Sodium hyaluronate (95%), lactose.

How to use:

1. Remove the white protection film, place the center of the patch on the desired facial areas and attach to skin.

2. Press the center part of the patch several times.

3. Remove the patch and see the result the next morning.

Volume 15 g x 4ea

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