A.H.C Herb Solution Toner Lemon 500ml

  • AHC
  • Brands  AHC
  • Verfügbarkeit  Lagernd
  • Weight: 600 g
  • Verkauft: 3

    10,88 €  13,71 €

The A.H.C. toner contains HERB Solution Toner Lemon Lemon Water (24,800 mg), Glacial Water, Lime Extract, Lotus Extract, Iris Extract, Rose Extract, Ipomoea Extract.

Lemon extract, due to the high content of citric, ascorbic (vitamin C) and malic acid, promotes more complete cleansing of the skin from dead cells, improves the condition of combination and oily skin as a whole: normalizes epithelialization processes in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and the mouths of the hair follicles and, as a result , reduces the density of comedones and pore size. Shows antibacterial action, stimulates the process of skin cell regeneration. AHA acids help to exfoliate the dead layer of cells, moisturize the skin, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, are good antioxidants, have a lightening effect, and stimulate the production of skin's own collagen. Reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Lotus extract has a calming effect, strengthens skin cells, contains vitamin C, nelumbin, nufarin, Armenavin and mineral compounds. It also has a biostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation. Lotus extract is used as a skin cleansing and stimulating component (lotus extract contains vitamin C and a sufficient amount of mineral compounds), promotes easy whitening and lightening of age spots. In addition, lotus extract exhibits soothing, moisturizing properties, cleans pores well, makes the skin smooth and elastic. All this defines lotus extract as a versatile and effective component of cosmetics. White clay, or kaolin, is able to absorb the waste products of the body's cells. Absorbs toxins, odors and gases, kills pathogenic bacteria and at the same time remains chemically inert, and, therefore, absolutely harmless to the body.

Iris extract contains isoflavones that help in the production of collagen, elastin and keratin. Thus, iris is a natural elixir of youth, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves complexion, and helps restore skin elasticity and firmness. The plant is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Iris is great for all skin types, especially mature, sensitive and damaged skin. In the care of aging skin, iris extract improves microcirculation, stimulates cell renewal, and smoothes. Perfectly restores damaged skin, suitable for skin care after aggressive cosmetic procedures.

Lime extract contains organic acids, a complex of B vitamins, carotene, iron and phosphorus salts, flavonoids, antioxidants (in particular bioflavonoids and ascorbic acid), etc. contains natural fruit acids (ANA), which have a slight exfoliating effect. Promotes natural cell regeneration, enhances skin immunity, softens and moisturizes it, has antimicrobial and wound healing effect. Lime extract improves the appearance of the skin, strengthens the skin, relieves irritation, protects the skin, as well as moisturizes it and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Has moisturizing, softening and stimulating cell renewal action.

Lemon water toner (24.800 mg) gives the skin freshness, tones, regenerates the skin, makes the skin soft and tender. The main action of the tonic is aimed at controlling and regulating the work of the sebaceous glands, preventing clogging of pores and eliminating greasy shine. They have an exfoliating, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, and also stimulate the synthesis of collagen and glycosaminoglycans in the skin. In addition to the exfoliating effect, they have a whitening effect.

How to use: Apply a small amount of toner to a cotton pad and gently wipe your face, use the product in the morning and evening.

Volume: 500ml

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